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Culture as the Pillar Base of Achieving The Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs) in the Sasak Tribe, Lombok
Fernanda Ayuning Putri, Pipiet Arini Putri, Susilo Kusdiwanggo

Last modified: 2021-11-15


Perceptions in the concept of sustainable urban development are seen as partially inseparable from what is called culture. The SDGs are internationally agreed upon as a shared commitment to fight injustice, poverty, hunger and discrimination which are contained in 17 points with 169 targets. To see the role of culture in achieving the SDGs target, we take the culture that exists in the Sasak tribe where the culture has existed since 600 years ago so that the culture of the Sasak tribe is considered to be still original. The method used in this study is comparative descriptive with data collection techniques and materials in this study are literature study and interviews. The results of this study indicate that the cultural values contained in the Sasak Tribe can be a basis for achieving the SDGs target with the percentage of cultural influence on social aspects of 33%, environmental aspects of 17%, while economic aspects of 27% of the total SDGs targets.

Keywords: SDGs, Culture, Sasak Tribe, Social Pillar, Economic Pillar, Environmental Pillar


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