Last modified: 2021-11-18
PT XYZ is a company engaged in the shipping industry. One of the products from PT XYZ is Side Shell on the Patrol Vessels PC 40 – S 029. Where the quality of the products produced must be able to meet customer desires. Quality control is a preventive effort and is carried out before the product quality error occurs, but directs so that the quality error does not occur within the company concerned. The quality control on a product will prevent the occurrence of defective products on the market. The problem faced by PT XYZ is the occurrence of defects in the welding process, the Side Shell connection is often inappropriate or does not meet the predetermined criteria. In this study, researchers used Pareto diagrams, I-MR control charts, and fishbones to analyze the quality control of Side Shell Patrol Vessels PC 40 – S 029 products at PT XYZ. The method of data collection was carried out by library studies through literature review and also field studies through interviews, observations, and documentation. Based on the results of the study, there is one data or sample that is outside the control limit for the type of incomplete fusion defect, and there are still many data that have a large deviation from the control limit line.
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