Open Conference Systems, 1st International Youth Conference on Engineering Innovation

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Identification of Differences in Alumunium Alloy Casting Results in Altair Inspire Cast Simulation and Direct Metal Casting Method
Naufal Harda Putra

Last modified: 2021-11-18


Shrinkage solidification and porosity are the most common defects. Various investigative techniques exist to distinguish solidification and porosity such as modulus and equi-solidification time and functional criteria as alternative methods of investigation that can be used. There is a method that allows us to perform metal casting simulations in order to see several factors that can cause defects in the castings. This simulation is very necessary in order to be able to see the conditions during the casting process and the defects that may occur in the process e.g. the resulting porosity, animation of liquid metal flow, last air, and others without having to pour molten metal directly. Simulations in this study were carried out by using the Altair Inspire Cast program. The material that is used for casting is aluminium alloys, that have been analyzed to predict the location of the discovery of solidification and porosity using various software programs such as Procast, Magmasoft, Autocast, Solidcast, in this study the Altair Inspire Cast software was used. The results of this simulation compared to the experimental test results shows no differences with the basic theory and simulation


[1]      Heine, Richard W. 1976 Principal of Metal Casting. (New York: Mcgraw Hill)

[2]      Groover, Mikel P. 2010 Fundamental of Modern Manufacturing: Materials, Process, and System. (New York: John Willey & Sons Inc.)

[3]      Kalpakjian, Serope. 1989 Manufacturing Engineering and Technology SI 6th Edition.( London : Prentice Hall)

[4]      Laboratorium Pengecoran Logam Jurusan Mesin Fakultas Teknik Universitas Brawijaya Modul Praktikum Pengecoran Logam 2018

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