Open Conference Systems, 1st International Youth Conference on Engineering Innovation

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Effect of Variation in Moisture Content and Binder Content on Permeability and Strength of Mold Sand in Metal Casting
M. Rifki Khadafi

Last modified: 2021-11-18


Permeability is the ability of a molding sand to be passed by a fluid in the form of gas flowing through the gaps or pores between the grains of molding sand. The things that affect the permeability of the molding sand are the moisture content and the binder content contained in the molding sand. Several tests were carried out using a Permeability Meter, where the test showed that the higher the water content with the fixed binder content, the permeability increased to the maximum point because all the binders had been activated. But after passing the maximum point, the permeability will decrease as the water content increases. Then, the higher the binder content with a constant water content will make the permeability decrease. Tests will be carried out to determine the compressive strength, tensile strength, and compressive strength of the molding sand.


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