Open Conference Systems, 1st International Youth Conference on Engineering Innovation

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Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (HIRA) in the sp-36 type of fertilizer packing process at fertilizer logistics company
Devina Anggun Rulita, Dewi Hardiningtyas

Last modified: 2021-11-18


Abstract. This study aims to identify hazards and determine the risk value of potential work hazards that can cause work accidents. One of Indonesian fertilizer logistics companies has 29,100 tons of warehouse capacity. There are many potential hazards in the workplace that can result in losses for the company, workers, and the surrounding environment. This study uses the HIRA (Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment) approach to determine the potential for hazardous events at each work step, calculate the hazard risk value, and then determine the various control actions required to prevent or reduce the impact of these hazardous events. The identification of the hazards in the SP-36 fertilizer bagging section revealed 18 hazard aspects with normal components, 6 hazard aspects with abnormal components, and 3 hazard aspects with emergency components. In general, there were 34 risks from 11 fertilizer bagging work activities. Based on the results of the risk assessment, of the 34 risks in 11 work activities of the SP-36 fertilizer bagging process, there were 53% risks in the low category, and 47% risks in the medium category.

Keywords: Logistics Company, Workplace Hazard, HIRA, Occupational Safety


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