Last modified: 2021-11-16
Crash box is a part of the crashworthy system that is used to reduce the severity of accidents in vehicles. The use of composite materials as a material for crash boxes has been widely studied. This study aims to determine the effect of wall thickness and fiber orientation angle on the deformation pattern and energy absorption by frontal crash test. A multi-cell octagonal cross-section made from e-glass epoxy is used with thickness variations of 1 mm, 1.5 mm, and 2 mm and variations of the fiber orientation angle of [±15°]4, [±30°]4, [±45°]4, [±60°]4, and [±75°]4. The computer simulation using frontal load speed of 10 m/s. The results showed that the crash box that absorbed higher energy was crash box with a thickness of 2 mm and a fiber orientation angle of [±60°]4. Each crash box model shows different deformation patterns, namely local buckling, a combination of fragmentation and lamina bending, and a combination of local buckling and lamina bending.
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