Last modified: 2021-11-16
Errinda Dwi Khairur Anggaranadila, Medhi Wiratama Prakoso, Mohammad Rafi Rahadyan, Muhammad Rahadatul ‘Aisyi, Raihan Abdul Rauf, Rudianto Raharjo, ST., MT.
Mechanical Engineering Department, Brawijaya University
Jln. MT Haryono 167, Lowokwaru, Malang, Indonesia
Abstract. Lately the trend of cycling is increasing. The increasing trend of cycling is accompanied by the emergence of concerns about driving safety for cyclists on public roads. One of the causes of accidents experienced by cyclists is not being able to analyze the road conditions behind the cyclists. This is due to the lack of adequate tools to use. In the market there have been special mirrors for bicycles, but it is felt that the special mirrors for bicycles have a too narrow viewing angle so that the rider is not able to capture the road conditions behind him. This clearly endangers the safety of the cyclists themselves. From the problems above, we created a special camera for cyclists that serves to monitor the condition of the road behind the cyclist. Broadly speaking, how our tool works, namely, the image captured by the camera module on the back of the bicycle, will be sent to a smart phone that has been installed on the holder on the bicycle handlebar via Bluetooth or wifi connection so that users can find out the existing road conditions behind. With the camera that can be integrated with the smart phone, it is hoped that it can be used as a replacement for special bicycle mirrors because it has a wider viewing angle, this will certainly affect the level of comfort and safety when cycling.
Keywords: bicycle, camera, smart phone.