Open Conference Systems, 1st International Youth Conference on Engineering Innovation

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Portable Ferris Wheel for Street Lighting
Moch Fachrizal Fauzi

Last modified: 2021-11-16


Afrizal Pratama Putra¹, Emif Ainul Yaqien², Gifanka Abdul Gany³, Hafizh Adi Purnomo⁴, Moch.Facrizal Fauzi5 , Rudianto Raharjo, S.T., M.T.⁶ ¹ , ² , ³ , ⁴ ,5, ⁶ Mechanical Engineering Department, Brawijaya University Jln. MT Haryono 167, Lowokwaru, Malang, Indonesia. Abstract. A windmill is a device that is able to harness the power of the wind to convert it into mechanical power. Currently, windmills are used to generate electricity. In modern times like today, an efficient tool is needed to facilitate human activities and beautify the surrounding environment. What is meant in this case is that we often see many cables on the side of the road that interfere with the eye. One of these cables is a connecting cable for electric current for street lighting. If it can be resolved we can make a street lighting lamp that can work optimally that utilizes the energy that is around and also maintains the beauty of the layout in the surrounding environment. One of the tools we make is a “portable windmill for street lighting”. The principle of this tool is to change the motion caused by wind speed, then move a turbine which is connected to a generator to produce electrical energy. This electrical energy can be used to turn on lamps used as street lighting. So there is no need for cables connecting electric currents that interfere with the view, because the power source is already available in every lamp. Keywords : windmill, electric power, street lighting


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