Open Conference Systems, 1st International Youth Conference on Engineering Innovation

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Yanuar Budiarto, Gilang Rausyanfikri, Muhamad Furqon, Muhammad Aidil Akbar Hidayat, Dika Rafly Ramadhani

Last modified: 2021-11-16


Yanuar Budiarto1, Gilang Rausyanfikri2, Muhamad Furqon3,Muhammad Aidil Akbar Hidayat4, Dika Rafly Ramadhani5, Rudianto Raharjo, ST., MT6

1,2,3,4,5,6 Mechanical Engineering Department, Brawijaya University

Jln. MT Haryono 167, Lowokwaru, Malang, Indonesia

Abstract. In this modern era, the phenomenon of laundry business is very common, which used to be just a washing service. As time goes by, the laundry business does not only offer washing but also offers neat clothes already ironed. Of course, in carrying out this business, laundry needs to work quickly and according to the schedule agreed by the customer. For ironing, laundry takes some time to heat up the appliance and our energy to iron clothes. Therefore, there is a tool called SALITIK which is expected to support the productivity of the laundry business. This quick iron or called SALITIK is shaped like a photocopy machine with a size that has been adjusted to the size of clothes in general. There is a top plate and a bottom plate that gets heat energy from the conversion of electrical energy. In addition, there is also a folding plate that makes it easier and faster to fold clothes. With the SALITIK tool, it is able to increase the profit of laundry partners' income and also make it easier and shorten the ironing time for laundry partners.

Keyword. Laundry, Quick iron machine, SALITIK, Increase Productivity, neat clothes.


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