Last modified: 2021-11-16
Rio Andava,Airlangga Putra Kusumo,Timothy Placido,Rasyadan Zufar,Nadhif Thufail Az-Zufar ,Rudianto Raharjo ST., MT.
Mechanical Engineering Department, Brawijaya University
Jln. MT Haryono 167, Lowokwaru, Malang, Indonesia
Abstract. Air pollution is a major subject in the modern era, therefore, the aim of this research project is to minimize the harmful effects of smoke produced by
combustion waste, especially dioxins and furans produced by combustion waste, as
well as harmful dust. If inhaled by humans it can cause cancer, so a tool is needed
to break down/decompose these harmfull particles into smaller particles that are not
harmful to the environment. The tool used is designed to make a filtration system
using activated carbon. After the particles are filtered through the activated carbon,
it will be investigated how much activated carbon is needed to effectively neutralize
the harmful particles in the combustion waste.
Keyword: Garbage Incenerator, Filtration System , Eco Friendly,Clean smoke.Combustion Waste.