Open Conference Systems, 1st International Youth Conference on Engineering Innovation

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IoT-based Control System for Cricket (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) Rearing Automation
Rizal Dhiya Ulhaq Walupi, Fatur Rahman, Muhammad Fadilah Tantana, Azriel Dolf Panahatan, Andreas Caventhana, Rudianto Raharjo

Last modified: 2021-11-16


(Orthoptera: Gryllidae) Or better known as cricket is an insect that can be cultivated in a controlled room[2]. Crickets can be used as forage, cosmetic mixtures, processed into cricket flour, and entomophagy[3]. The right method is needed in cricket rearing so that the harvest can be maximized. Crickets are susceptible to changes in environmental temperature[1].  An appropriate environment temperature is needed to maximize the growth of cricket. The temperature between 30°C and 35°C are indicated to be the ideal temperature for cricket growth[2]. An increase in temperature above 35°C can result in the death of crickets[2]. This paper presents the design of the cage with an IoT-based temperature control system. The cage is designed with a heating element, blower, and an automated drinking sprayer. In addition, this paper will also contribute to the application of the environmental performance of insect farming systems that are extremely limited in scope[1].


[1] Halloran A. et al. 2017. Life cycle assessment of cricket farming in north-eastern Thailand. Journal of Cleaner Production 15683-94. University of Copenhagen and Khon Kaen University. Denmark and Thailand.

[2] Clifford Craig and Woodring. 1990. Methods for rearing the house cricket, Acheta domesticus (L.), along with baseline values for feeding rates, growth rates, development times, and blood composition. Journal Appl. Ent. 109. 1-14 ISSN 0931-2048. Northeastern State University and Lousiana State University. Los Angeles. United States.

[3]Kurniawan Aswindara Aji. 2016. RANCANG BANGUN APLIKASI WEB MOBILE MANAJEMEN TERNAK JANGKRIK DI UMKM BOS JANGKRIK JOGJA. Jurnal Teknik Informatika ISSN 1979-9160 Vol.9 No.1,April. Universitas Ahmad Dahlan.

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