Open Conference Systems, 1st International Youth Conference on Engineering Innovation

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Design for Liquid Smoke Genetor as an Effort to Reduce Pottery Waste Pollution and The Income Increase of Pottery Craftsman During The Covid-19 Pandemic
samuel carlo kenneth, Arnov Toto Manik, Ervindy Geta Aryanta, Irham Bima Sadidan, Muhammad Andrian Pratama, Muhammad Nashir Syarif

Last modified: 2021-11-16


The earth can no longer be free from pollution. As the central industry develops,pollution also increases. The Great Dictionary Indonesian defines pollution as pollution orpollution. Pollution is quite diverse ranging from air pollution, water pollution, soilpollution, to noise pollution. All pollution has a bad impact, especially on health. Airpollution, for example, in addition to triggering lung health problems can also increase therisk of glaucoma which can result in blindness. A journal published by LAPAN said, someof these contaminants have chemical elements CO, NO, SO, SPM (suspended particulatematter, O and various heavy metals such as lead). In addition, research contained in theJournal of Investigative Ophthalmology &Visual Science said, people who are oftenexposed to air pollution have a six percent increase in glaucoma. The long term results ineconomic losses and the emergence of socio-economic problems of families andcommunities. Therefore, the author provides a solution in the form of CUPID (VacuumAsap Liquid) as a gas-shaped smoke conversion system into a liquid form that aims tominimize air pollution so as not to pollute the environment and not adversely affect thecommunity. Liquid smoke is the result of condensation from steam from burning directlyor indirectly from materials that contain a lot of lignin, cellulose, hencellulose and othercarbon compounds. Smoke converted into liquid form can be utilized into several things,depending on what material is burned. For example, burning wood will produce liquidsmoke that will be useful to give aroma and color due to the presence of phenol andcarbonyl compounds. Where the phenol itself contains compounds that act as antibacterialand antioxidant.

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