Open Conference Systems, 1st International Youth Conference on Engineering Innovation

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Comparing Computational Time Differences for Thermodynamics Equation Between VBA and VB.NET
Ilham Prabaswara, Rachma Gusti Nararita, Muhammad Andrian Pratama, Albertus Abisha Pinem, Iba Durrahman, Mochammad Syamsul Ma'arif

Last modified: 2021-11-16


Currently, there are many programs and applications used in the world of in mechanical engineering related application, one of which is Visual Studio, one of the programs of Microsoft Office. Many programming languages are also used such as VBA and VB.NET. Although there are several similarities that exist but each language has its own uniqueness and usefulness. In this study, we aimed to compare the running time of both languages when it is employed to solve thermodynamic equations. Two programs was developed in two programming languages and then was compared in term of running time in solving equations. The expected results are to show which one if faster between VBA and VB.NET in executing program.

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