Last modified: 2021-11-15
Vernacular architecture in a tropical mountain climate is something interesting note. By having local wisdom values that are thickly patterned in its architecture with beliefs, customs, and culture as a unique identity. Bioclimatic strategies are needed in response to the adaptation process to the problematic local natural thermal environment. Ciptagelar vernacular dwelling is one example of climate-responsive building inspiration. This study aims to find out how the bioclimatic strategy is applied as well as how natural thermal environment on the housing in the Ciptagelar Traditional Village dwelling. By applying qualitative method, object shall be evaluated based on the applicable standards and rules as well as comparisons between research syntheses. The results of this study indicate that the indigenous peoples of the Ciptagelar Traditional Village apply a bioclimatic strategy by utilizing the thickness of the arrangement between natural materials as well as utilizing hawu (traditional fire stoves) to warm up thermally as well as to reduce indoor humidity especially in their pawon (traditional kitchen) as a communal space. With the concept of a breathing building, it is found that the difference in conductance between buildings is due to differences in openings in the building so that it affects air exchange. In addition, the natural thermal is also influenced by the thickness of the building envelope, the orientation and proportion of the building, to the openings in the building. Therefore, vernacular traditional dwelling able to maximize energy flow so that comfort can be achieved.
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