Last modified: 2021-11-15
Sunlight is classified into UV A, UV B, and UV C rays, these three ultraviolet rays can cause adverse effects on the skin such as photoaging damage, tannings, sunburn and can cause immune damage. The Agave sisalana plant shows great anti-UV activity due to its high lignin carbohydrate complex (LCC) content. The aims of this study were to determine the anti-UV activity of LCC components in Agave sisalana extract and to determine the effectiveness of LCC components in Agave sisalana extract. The method used is soxhletation extraction and spectrophotometric test. In soxhletation extraction using acetone solvent, the results were treated with addition of tris buffer, urea, Ba(OH)2 and cellulase enzymes with variations to obtain LCC extract in Agave sisalana. The results of the spectrophotometric test showed that agave sisalana has the potential as an anti-UV with the best SPF value in the sample with the addition of 15 grams of enzyme to produce SPF 6. The value of %Te for variation of 5, 10 and 15 grams enzyme respectively scored 0.58, 0.58, and 0.47. While the %Tp for variations of 5, 10 and 15 grams respectively got a value of 0.64, 0.66, 0.58. The type of anti-UV LCC profile is sunblock because it has a value of <1.
Keywords: Agave sisalana, Extraction, lignin carbohudrate complex, Sun Protection Factor, Spectrophotometry
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