Last modified: 2021-11-16
Abstract. Currently, Indonesia is experiencing regulatory changes regarding the sale of electricity from rooftop PV to PT PLN, from the initial limit of 65%, revised to 100%. This has an impact on increasing the current trend of using PV which also has an impact on increasing the need for power converters capable of converting PV mini-grid output voltages into high-quality voltages. Buck converter is a type of DC-DC converter that can produce an output voltage that is smaller than the input voltage. Design and simulation of the buck converter using MATLAB Simulink software are carried out to test the feasibility of implementing the system based on the calculated component parameters. After being successfully implemented, the buck converter was tested using primary data based on actual conditions. Tests on the buck converter include testing the output voltage at several changes in the value of the duty cycle and load using PWM with a frequency of 20 kHz. Based on the results of the tests and analyzes, it's concluded that changes in the value of the duty cycle and load on the buck converter affect the output voltage which will be higher if the two parameters are increased.
Keywords: Buck converter, Duty Cycle, Load, Output Voltage
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