Open Conference Systems, 1st International Youth Conference on Engineering Innovation

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Innovation of Village development through the Tourism Village development program in Karangrejo Village, Kromengan District, Malang Regency
Lusyana Eka Wardani

Last modified: 2021-11-15


Karangrejo Village is a village located in Kromengan District, Malang Regency. This village is divided into 4 hamlets, namely Krantil Hamlet, Jatirejo Hamlet, and Blado Hamlet. The majority of the people make a living as farmers, because most of the land is in the form of rice fields, which is about 84% of the total village area, which is 659.87 hectares. In addition, Karangrejo Village has the potential that characterizes the village, namely the herbal medicine industry. Karangrejo Village has long been known as a traditional herbal medicine-producing village, so the Karangrejo Village Government plans to have a Jamu Educational Tourism location that becomes a tourist attraction, which is expected to increase village income, make village communities independent, utilize the latest technology, motivate village communities to produce and cultivate herbal plants, and create jobs. The purpose of this study is to identify and formulate a strategic plan in the form of innovation in the development of Karangrejo Village into a Tourism Village in Kromengan District which relies on the village's leading sectors, both agriculture, animal husbandry, plantations and village MSMEs which are carried out in a participatory manner. The research method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method. The analytical technique used is SWOT analysis to identify external and internal factors in village development, where the expected results can explain strategies in exploiting potential and avoiding or solving existing problems. In addition, through community empowerment, it is possible to integrate the potential of each hamlet, coordinate tourism management groups and the community, develop village attractions, provide tourist village accommodation, improve institutional performance, and complete facilities and infrastructure. The main problem faced by the village government for village development is the lack of participation of the village community in managing the existing potential both in terms of agriculture and the economy. Therefore, there is a need for participatory community empowerment efforts and the use of technology to increase the potential that exists in Karangrejo Village and apply the concept of a tourism village with a Smart Branding perspective which is expected to explore the uniqueness, uniqueness of Karangrejo village so that it becomes an attraction in the development of tourist villages. .

Keywords: Herbal medicine, village development, community empowerment


RPJM Desa Karangrejo, 2018

Wardani, L. E., Prayitno, G., Yudono, A., Rahmawati, R., & Auliah, A. (2020). PENGEMBANGAN USAHA MIKRO KECIL DAN MENENGAH (UMKM) BERBASIS PARTISIPATIF BAGI MASYARAKAT DESA. JCES (Journal of Character Education Society), 3(2), 414-431.

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