1st International Youth Conference on Engineering Innovation

Faculty of Engineering Univeritas Brawijaya

November 23, 2021 – November 24, 2021

Innovation For Sustainable Welfare Development



Proceeding IYCEI, Vol 1. 2021


International Youth Conference on Engineering Innovation 2021

Posted: 2023-09-05
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Conference Information

Register here : https://s.ub.ac.id/4thiyceiregister

IYCEI (International Youth Conference on Engineering Innovation) is an annual conference held by the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia. This year the conference will be held online for the second time and we hope to gather many young bright minds in advancing the scope of research and application in engineering, architecture, and planning.

IYCEI is aiming to provide opportunities for discussions among stakeholders to address current and future global challenges in industries. This conference will be attended by the brightest students to network and discuss their research and challenges in the field of engineering, planning, and architecture. This conference will provide out-of-the-box discussions between academia and industry.

The 4th IYCEI is organised and hosted by the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia.The event will be held on 2 November 2022 online.

Authors can present their papers through one of these methods:

1. Synchronized: 10 minutes presentation (timetable attached)

Authors do live presentations through the online conference system provided by the conference committee.

2. Asynchronized

Authors create presentation videos and send them to the conference committee. The videos then woud be broadcasted.

Conference Topics

  1. Sustainable Construction Practices (SCP)
  2. Mechanical Engineering Research and Application (MERA)
  3. IoT and Electrical Engineering (IEE)
  4. Water Quality and Treatment Technologies (WQTT)
  5. Sustainable Architecture and Green Building (SAGB)
  6. Smart Cities and Urban Resilience (SCUR)
  7. Supply Chain Management and Optimization (SCMO)
  8. Chemical Engineering Research and Development (CERD)